Dental Care
Horses teeth wear differently than our own, often creating sharp points and hooks that erode and lacerate the gumline and sensitive cheek tissue. Oral exams also provide a chance to look for tumors, fractured teeth, and evidence of metabolic disease. AAEP recommends having your horses teeth examined annually and perform dental work as needed. Poorly maintained teeth contribute to health problems as well as training and behavioral problems. Dental examinations are a consistent component of our preventative health program.
Equine Dental Guidelines
American Association of Equine Practitioners
Maintaining your horse's mouth is a key component to a happy, healthy horse. Having a qualified veterinarian examine your horse's mouth routinely will prevent your horse from potentially suffering from common dental problems such as sharp points, caudal molar hooks, broken/chipped teeth, or infections. The AAEP has laid out guidelines for horse owners to gain awareness and understanding of their horse's dental needs.
All horses should have a veterinary oral and dental examination at least annually.
Horses 2-5 years, over 20 years, and those with known dental pathology may need more frequent visits.
Decisions regarding specific frequency of visits should be based on the individual needs of the horse.
History including evaluation of the following unique points:
Previous health concerns
Breed, life stage and lifestyle
General housing and management
Current ration, diet and pasture
Bitting and tack requirements
Comprehensive oral and dental examination includes:
General health assessment
Body condition scoring
Extra-oral masticatory system (visual and palpation)
Restraint and/or sedation
Incisor and canine evaluation
Intra-oral speculum examination (visual and palpation)
On the basis of history and dental exam findings, assessments are made for:
Chewing and/or weight loss problems
Bitting and headshaking issues
Head asymmetry, draining tracts and/or nasal discharge
Deciduous teeth condition
Incisor and/or canine problems
Abnormal dental wear problems
Diastema and/or periodontal disease